Friday, February 28, 2014

Welcome back.

Welcome back loyal readers, all two of you, to the revamp of your favorite nature/lifestyles/interior design blog. If you noticed the large font above, I'm going to Florida (but I still went to Ecuador)!

One of these circles is Florida and the other is Ecuador. I went to one of them. 

Unfortunately we're not going to the cesspool of invasive species that is the heart of the Everglades/Miami, which is sad because the native "pristine" ecosystem is all messed up, but also pretty cool if you want to see reptiles and amphibians from all over the world without paying to go all over the world. I'd sacrifice a few boring native bird species for Burmese pythons and tegus. Glass half-full or half-empty of exotic species; it's all about perspective.

This lizard (Plica plicawill not be in Florida, but blogs without pictures are boring. 

Anyway, we're going to a field station a bit further north of the Everglades, but there will be lizards and gopher tortoises and alligators, oh my! So be on the lookout for all your favorite features in the upcoming weeks: blog posts, videos, merch, branded lunchboxes, and more, coming soon to a theater near you.

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